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Life West Press

Atlas of Common Subluxations

By William J. Ruch, DC


“One of the most significant chiropractic clinical texts of the decade.”

-Dr. Deed Harrison D.C.

The serious results of subluxations of the spine can now be seen in color. By studying the dramatic consequences of chronic degeneration of the spine, caused by subluxations, rational treatment and better outcomes for your patients can be achieved.

This atlas is filled with more than 260 pictures, 117 in color, 24 of which are new and with more illustrations. Pictures of specimens, X-rays, CT scans and MRIs of the spine, rib cage and pelvis show subluxations that are occurring in patients.

The common patterns of degeneration are arranged in an atlas format of progressive degeneration and severity. This study proves that changing the shape of the vertebral column changes the shape of the spinal cord.

“Creating a greater awareness of the seriousness of the subluxations.”

-Dr. Brian Kelly, DC


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