LifeLines Category: Science and Chiropractic

The Network Spinal Wave as a Central Pattern Generator

Did you know that it is possible to be identified simply by how you walk? “You” can be spotted passing through the airport, or casually walking across the street to your neighborhood coffee shop. Came...

What is the healthcare professional looking for?

Research is the language the healthcare world speaks. It is like the saying, “pics or it didn’t happen.” Without it, making a claim about the efficacy of a particular technique for a given malady will...

Concussions: A chiropractic opportunity

Concussions occur much more often than we think. In 2014, the CDC reported approximately 2.53 million traumatic brain injury (TBI) related visits to the emergency department; 812,000 were pediatric ca...

Perspective: Imaging offers window into the body

Diagnostic imaging is our window inside the body, a fascinating and extremely powerful one. Since the advent of X-ray imaging in 1895, the ability for health professionals to assess the body has grown...