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Commentary from Diversity and Inclusion Officer Dr. Annette Walker

Diversity and Inclusion

We are in moments of pain and outrage that are creating feelings of desperation and frustration. As we search for understanding and resolution, cities across the country are experiencing peaceful protests as well as violent demonstrations following the death of 46-year-old George Floyd, an African-American man who died as a result of a police officer holding his knee on Mr. Floyd’s neck for more than eight minutes. Yet again, racially motivated violence in this country has erupted. Our senior leaders, managers, and faculty want to provide a safe, inclusive environment for everyone at Life West, and will not tolerate racism or harassment in any form.

For many of us who stand for social justice, diversity and inclusion, it is again a time to speak up for what is right and to reach out to family, friends, and others we care about letting them know that they are not alone with their pain and outrage. At times like this, there is often a need to share our feelings and frustrations while and peaceably and constructively venting our concerns. Many of us may also want to learn we and others in our community can help bring about positive change. I encourage you to support students and colleagues by standing together to condemn systemic racism and bias that puts an end to racial hatred. Let’s come together to support each other during these unprecedented times.

If you are a student, we have staff who you can talk with about these very difficult and challenging times. You can send an email to Academic Counselor Lori Pino at lpino@lifewest.edu and Student Life Manager Dani Lorta at dlorta@lifewest.edu for free and confidential assistance.

For employees, please email Ombuds Dr. George Casey at gcasey@lifewest.edu.

Also, feel free to reach out to me at awalker@lifewest.edu. You may also join me in a live chat that is coming soon. The chat details will be announced soon.

We all are responsible for justice.

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