Events, dates, times, ticket ifno and other important information for soon-to-be graduates
We are excited to host you and your guests at the 86th Commencement events on December 5th & 6th, 2024. You have worked so hard for this moment, and we are thrilled to be able to celebrate with you. Below are the details as we have them at this time. Note that all communications regarding commencement will be sent to your Life West email ONLY.
Changes may be necessary due to unforeseen circumstances and will be communicated via your Life West email ONLY.
We look forward to working with you,
The Commencement Team
Students who are eligible to participate in the commencement ceremony will be sent an invitation to complete the Commencement Ceremony Participation form via email from the Registrar’s office.
Commencement packets will be available for pick up in Room 117B inside the employee lounge area. Check your Life West email for announcements of Pick-up dates.
The commencement packet includes:
*Students will be given a predetermined number of tickets for both the Awards Dinner and the Commencement Ceremony based on the number of walking graduates. Graduate ticket amounts will be announced by Week 4 of Spring Quarter.
NOTE: If you need additional tickets contact Mimi Swe to be put on the waiting list or ask your fellow graduates
Regalia will be available for pick up in Room 117B inside the employee lounge.
Regalia includes gown, hood, and tam with tassel.
NOTE: Steamers are available on campus up to the day before commencement or you may take home your gown to steam on your own.
Time: 11:40 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Location: Standard Process Assembly Hall (SPAH)
Tickets: Not Required
Graduates Mix & Mingle with Faculty, Staff & Administration
Time: 12:30 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Location: Drs. Sid & Nell Williams Courtyard
Tickets: Not Required
Time: 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Location: Standard Process Assembly Hall (SPAH)
Tickets: TBD number of tickets depends on the number of walking graduating students and will be announced in Week 4 of the Fall Quarter.
Friday, December 6th, 2024
Time: 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Location: Standard Process Assembly Hall (SPAH)
Tickets: TBD number of tickets depends on the number of walking graduating students and will be announced in Week 4 of the Spring Quarter.
2:45 p.m. Students Gown-up in the gymnasium. Please be on time!
3:00 p.m. SPAH doors open
3:30 p.m. Students begin lining up for processional
4:00 p.m. Commencement begins (ceremony lasts around 90 minutes)
NOTE: All guests MUST have a ticket to enter the SPAH. Guests without a ticket will be escorted to the Overflow seating area in Room 161.
Page 99 – “Students who have completed at least 195 units prior to the quarter of the graduation may register to participate in the ceremony..” As a general rule, students should apply to graduate for the quarter they intend to complete ALL of the required coursework and clinic hours for their degree. For example: To participate in June commencement you should be graduating in Winter 2024, Spring 2024, or Summer 2024.
IMPORTANT: Students are only invited to participate in one commencement ceremony. Suppose an eligible student wishes to move their ceremony to a future date. In that case, it is their responsibility to contact the Registrar’s Office to move their application before the original commencement date. Students who were invited to a previous ceremony but did not attend will also not be eligible to participate in a future ceremony.
Page 26 – Students who have a Doctor of Chiropractic in the immediate family* are invited to have them participate in the ceremony by helping “turn of the hood” during the ceremony.
*Immediate family member is defined as a spouse, domestic partner, cohabitant, child, parent, sibling, grandparent, aunt, or uncle
Life West commencement ceremonies are typically held week 10 on Fridays in December for the Fall and Winter quarter graduates, and in June for the Spring and Summer quarter graduates.
All graduating students participating in commencement are required to attend the rehearsal. You will get your final instructions for all commencement events, a demonstration of walking across the stage “(turning of the hood” and receiving a “diploma”), and answers to any of your questions.
Due to limited space, tickets are determined based on the number of students participating in commencement. This number won’t be determined until Week 4 of the Spring and Fall quarters. Please check your Life West email for updates and when tickets are ready for pickup.
This is a time to come together and celebrate with family and friends the dedication, sacrifices and hard work each graduate exhibited to get where they are today and also to Thank those who have helped them along the way.You will hear from guest speakers that each class has elected.
Yes. A professional photography group will take pictures of the Awards Dinner and Commencement Ceremony. A link for those photos will be sent out two weeks after the event.
Yes.The Commencement will be streamed live. The link will be posted the week of commencement on the college website home page at
Guests who do not have a ticket may go to the overflow room (Room 161) where the ceremony will be streamed live on screen.
You can be put on the waiting list for additional tickets by contacting Mimi Swe at or by asking your fellow graduate
Winter 2024: Friday, December 6th, 2024
Summer 2025: Friday, June 13th, 2025
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