Life West Service Trips

Give. Do. Love. Serve.

A guiding principle that you’ll hear early and often at Life West: “Give, do, love, serve — from a place of abundance.” Life West graduates are poised to enjoy long, successful and profitable careers as Doctors of Chiropractic. We hope to root that success in the mindset of giving back and paying forward.

Following that ethos, Life West operates multiple global service trips throughout the year including travel to India, Tonga and Mexico, as well as opportunities to work with underserved communities locally. 

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An Incredibly Rewarding Adventure?

Global Service Trips

Life West Mexico City Service Trips

3 times per year, Life West travels to Mexico City – working with several local organizations to provide chiropractic care to communities throughout the city who would not have access otherwise.  It’s an incredibly rewarding trip that almost always fills up due to the relatively short flight from both Life West campuses.

This is an amazing opportunity to put your skills to use for the good of humanity. Spend time (re)finding your “why?” and come home with a refreshed purpose.

Global Service Trips

Life West India Service Trips

Life West works with the Indian Association of Chiropractic Doctors, Sant Nirankari Mission and doctors from all over the world to serve thousands of people from the India community during these service trips to India.

The chiropractic clinic is part of a larger event attended by over a million people. Many of them have never experienced chiropractic care, and students, staff & DCs come back with some of the most amazing stories to tell.

Global Service Trips

Life West Tonga Service Trip

Life West travels three times a year to the island nation of Tonga to deliver care in two-day chiropractic clinics.

The first trip came after a visit from Dr. Saia Piukala, Tonga’s health minister, in 2018. Students, staff and faculty members from Life West traveled to the Kingdom of Tonga in December 2018 for an initial visit to provide free chiropractic care to the public. A fantastic community relationship has formed and Tonga has become a core part of Life West’s service mission.

Registration Open

Life West Service Trips Are Open to the Chiropractic Community

Life Chiropractic College West has a legacy of commitment to service. Our vision is to share chiropractic with the world, creating a brighter future for humanity.

India, Tonga, Mexico, or locally, we highly encourage Alumni + Friends to join Life West on this mission. Service Trips are open to the chiropractic community and you’d be hard-pressed to find a more immediately rewarding experience.

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Exploring Life West’s Commitment To Service?

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