As it has been for everyone else, it has been a whirlwind for us since we graduated from Life West. Alison originally worked for Drs. Matt and Jenn Santos at Acorn Chiropractic Club and Joe worked for Anacker Clinics of Chiropractic out in Boise, Idaho. Alison continued her postdoctoral work and has both a CACCP and Perinatal certifications through the ICPA, and Joe received his Perinatal certification through the ICPA as well.

Once Alison moved out to Idaho, Boise became our home base for a little over 3 years. In our time there, we got married at the end of 2020 and are celebrating 4 wonderful years of marriage this year. The following year, we were debating opening up our own practice together when we found out we were expecting to grow our family. We later found out at 38 weeks pregnant that we were lucky enough to have 2!

Our daughter Maya and son Skylar were born on December 3, 2021. We had no idea the insanity that we were headed for, but looking back now we wouldn’t have it any other way. Everyone is happy and healthy, and now our kids get to be a huge part of our practice. At that time we still wanted to open our own practice, we just didn’t know where or when. After multiple visits we ended up falling in love with North Idaho, so we packed up our family and headed north. We settled and found our location here in Hayden, Idaho. Hitting the ground running, we began meeting with other business owners, practitioners, anyone that had time basically, so that we could start to really get to know the community we were going to be a part of. Anyone that has opened a practice knows that it is a fun and stressful process just to get your doors open.

However, on August 22, 2022, we were finally able to open our practice, and Rooted Chiropractic Club was born! We are a family based practice here in Hayden that specializes in pregnant mamas and kiddos. Our community here is wonderful! They have been super supportive of our mission to grow a healthier community for our children. We have grown a little faster than we had thought, which is awesome! That means we get to grow our Rooted family and hire an associate doc to help care for the families here in North Idaho. We have no idea what is to come but we are excited for the possibilities and growth of our family and our practice.