Alumni Spotlight: Noah Kaplan, DC, DCCJP – Upper Cervical Specialist

Life-changing inspiration can happen at any time.

As the apple on Sir Isaac Newton’s head enlightened him to the existence of gravity, so did a sport’s injury to Noah Kaplan spark a passion, which changed the trajectory of his life and his career.

Dr. Noah Kaplan – Life West Alumni out of Walnut Creek, CA

As an undergrad, Dr. Kaplan got his start in tech sales after graduation and started working about 40-50 hours behind a desk each week. In his free time, Dr. Kaplan would play soccer, which resulted in a lower back injury sending him into the world of chiropractic care. While he was getting his care, he realized the amount of time he spent behind the desk was not aiding in his recovery. He contemplated which career path to choose, something that was passionate about. And just like that… a light bulb went on and he embarked on a journey of discovery about the chiropractic profession.

While reminiscing on his time at Life West, he recalled, “I started interviewing chiropractors and shadowing chiropractors and then, eventually, I decided to make the move.” He enrolled in Life West in Fall 2007 and graduated in March 2011.

During his time at Life West, Dr. Kaplan learned about Upper Cervical technique. He explains, “The concept of really getting to the root cause of the problem and globally affecting the body, instead of approaching it segmentally, was congruent with how I wanted to practice. I love utilizing imaging along with pre and post checks to have more objective ways of measuring results. I love being a specialist over a generalist. So all of this led me to specialize in Upper Cervical early on in my chiropractic journey and I’ve just stuck with it.”

Following his completion of Life West’s chiropractic program in 2011, Dr. Kaplan has been in practice for about 11 years now. He joined a colleague’s office in Marin, CA directly after graduation. After 15 months, he proceeded to open his own practice in September 2012 in Walnut Creek, CA where he specializes in Blair Upper Cervical Technique.

When asked about goals he sets regarding his practice going forward, he revealed, “I set annual goals based on revenue collections and visits… Long term, I’d like to bring on another doctor and make it a two-doctor practice.” Currently, he is a solo practitioner and his practice is growing each year.

In 2018, he earned his Diplomate in Cranio Cervical Junction Procedures (DCCJP), which strengthened his dedication to advancing technological aspects to aid his clients in receiving the best care. Something that sets his practice apart from others is the use of Cone Beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging for 3-D X-Rays, which captures the Cranio-Cervical Junction (CCJ).

Not too many can say that an injury led them on a path of healing others, but Dr. Noah Kaplan has always been one to rise to the occasion. When describing the most rewarding part of his day, he explains, “I think seeing people’s life change in a way where it’s not just a change of symptoms or a resolution of symptoms, but it’s more that they’re able to get back to being who they truly are. Our practice’s motto is ‘Get Well. Be you.’ It’s about maximizing their potential in terms of family life, their career, exercise, or whatever that may be to them. I think that’s the most rewarding thing.”

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