In 2014 Dr. Paul Ofili embarked on a new beginning fresh off the graduation stage, filled with anticipation of what the future might bring. Because we’re embracing the past but looking forward to the future, we caught up with Dr. Ofili to see what 2022 will bring him.
“Chiropractic is the vehicle that allows me to live a lifestyle that one can only dream of!” He manages a perfect work-life balance, the chiropractic profession gives him the opportunity to “hang out with people every day in my office that I learn so much from.” He believes “the chiropractic lifestyle is everything that I thought it would be.” In his spare time Dr. Ofili likes to engage in cryptocurrency, trading, and teaching. He teaches chiropractic students across the nation how to adjust and runs a business in the “Samurais” program.
Life After Life West has been a fruitful journey for Dr. Ofili, all due to lessons he learned in his time at the college. He explains that “I was looking for those lessons while I was at school, meaning I was doing everything I could to get out of my comfort zone so that I could feel some of the pain that I would feel out in practice.” He knew early on that starting up a practice would not be easy, so he tried to feel some of the things he might feel outside of school so that when the time came, nothing would feel brand new.
During his chiropractic program, he understood that if students go above and beyond, they will learn many lessons and make the most out of their experience. His experiences included running the Ninjas adjusting club and the TicTalkers, a student speaking seminar where students would come from all across the world and speak on the Why of chiropractic. At the time, Dr. Ofili held the record for the most outpatients in the Health Center, which helped him learn how to meet people and get them under care. Those lessons came from getting out of his comfort zone and thinking outside the box.
A highlight of 2021 for Dr. Ofili was learning how to manage a work-life balance. “When I do nothing, I really do nothing. I sit on my couch with my socks and pajamas on and watch some TV. I make sure to schedule time for myself every day for those types of activities. I like to go for an hour walk every day and listen to a podcast.” For Dr. Ofili, 2021 was the year he began scheduling time to do things he loved and took time out for himself.
A major goal for Dr. Ofili is to tackle his bucket list by taking a month off to live in Portugal. During his time away he hopes that his practice will function and continue to run without him. He has his month mapped out with a place on the beach in Portugal, learning the language as he immerses himself in the country’s beauty.
With a new year comes an optimistic view of the future for Dr. Ofili; he believes that “The world that we’re living in is shifting toward more awareness and people taking more ownership of their life.” He feels that 2021 has shown him how things can easily be taken away; whether it’s not being able to spend time with family or just having to stay home, people have realized the little things that impact the happiness of their daily lives. He is optimistic that people will go after what makes them happy and find peace, freedom, and serenity in 2022.