Since his 2010 graduation ceremony from Life West, Dr. Tim Smith has expanded his holistic chiropractic reach with his book Unleash the Healer Within. Read on to follow his journey in developing his chiropractic philosophy and his current mission for gaining overall wellness.
Is there a specific moment you can recall in which you decided to pursue the chiropractic profession? I first started going to the chiropractor after a snowboarding injury in high school. This chiropractor took the time to do a complete health history, exam, x-rays to find the core cause of my issue, something that no doctor had ever done for me before. He was able to show me exactly what was causing the issues I came in with as well as the cause of many health complaints I was also experiencing at the time. He then explained to me the principle of chiropractic and gave me hope that my body could heal itself naturally and I didn’t have to rely on medicine to keep treating the symptom vs the cause. After just a few short weeks I was feeling much better and noticed other changes in my health as well. Over the following months I was able to build a relationship with the chiropractor and see all the other people getting better as well and I then knew that I wanted to help people experience the same shift in health and that more people needed this type of care!
What is your chiropractic philosophy? I have always loved the principle of chiropractic that the body is self healing and self regulating, that this health is expressed through the nervous system above, down inside and out and that we all have 100% health potential at all times as long as there is no interference. I explain to all patients that subluxation interferes with the expression of innate intelligence and that healing potential leads to dysfunction and dis-ease. That subluxation is the primary cause that must be reduced and corrected through chiropractic care. We further teach patients how to minimize the stresses that cause subluxation by living a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition, exercise, sleep, healthy mindset and minimizing toxicity. By reducing subluxation and improving lifestyle the body is able to heal itself naturally and optimize the xpression of health through matter.
Describe a moment during your chiropractic journey that shaped your philosophy of chiropractic. My philosophical journey started from my very first chiropractic visit and continued through my education at life west and with Max Living as the foundation of everything that I do. Through my training and coaching with Max Living I still learn and train on philosophy every week, never forgetting the WHY behind everything that we do to help people understand this principle to live a better life.
I discovered that you have a book, can you share a bit about it? My book is “Unleash the Healer Within”. Over the last 10+ years in the chiropractic profession working with thousands of patients I continually find that most people do not understand how their body works and how they can take control of their own health. We are taught from an early age to go to the doctor and that medicine will solve all our health problems. The purpose of this book is to help empower people to live a healthier life, naturally and give them hope and guidance to take responsibility for their health to live a better life.
What are some key points from your book that reflect your philosophy? This book goes through the mindset of health away from fear, sickness and disease in the medical model to hope, empowerment and actionable resources to start the journey of self healing. It covers the misconceptions of medicine and chiropractic and how stresses of lifestyle create the same problems most people end up treating. We go through all the essentials of health, emotional, physical and chemical; and review the natural protocols to overcome those stresses in a wellness lifestyle. The book is available on Amazon and at
Can you share a bit about the 5 Health Essentials of MaxLiving? All information about Max Living can be referenced at For me the 5 essentials are both the cause and solution to all of our health issues. Chiropractic is the foundation for the optimum expression of health through the nervous system. We also teach people how to follow a lifestyle nutrition plan and how to exercise and move in a better way. We help with creating a wellness mindset and overcome stresses that lead to subluxation and unhealthy patterns so they are not constantly re-creating the same issues. We also walk them through how to find and eliminate all forms of toxicity in their life and cleanse those toxins from their body in a healthy way. We accomplish all of this with health talks, books, online videos, in office consultations, nutrition testing and coaching, home care, chiropractic health plans and so much more.
Explain what advanced spinal corrective care means to you and why it is beneficial. Spinal correction is individualized to the needs of each person and goes deeper than just symptomatic care. For every patient we do a complete health history, physical exam, neurological scans, x-rays so we can determine areas of subluxation and their biggest areas of interference. With corrective care we are able to help restore structural alignment and posture, restore functional movement and stability, neurological integrity and reduce subluxation to the minimum. This corrective approach is what sets us apart and is what helps patients reach their optimum expression of health to experience the true life changing benefits of chiropractic care.