We all have our story of how we found chiropractic, or how it found us.
This is MY story.
By Allie Olson

My chiropractic story starts with a dating app called Hinge. You see, back in 2018 I was a neonatal intensive care unit nurse in Indianapolis, IN. I decided that I was ready to date so I downloaded the app and shortly after that I met, my now fiancé, Dr. Broc Sheets. He was a chiropractor of course. At the time I knew almost nothing about chiropractic. My mom had been in a car collision awhile back and I remembered that she went to the chiropractor for her whiplash. That was the extent of my knowledge of chiropractic. Broc would offer to adjust me in the first couple weeks of dating and I would always tell him that I felt fine and I hadn’t had any trauma to need an adjustment (lol!). Around that time, I was having extremely irregular periods, which I had for the previous 10 years. They were so irregular that my obstetrician (OB) told me that I would most likely have an extremely difficult time conceiving children and would probably need in vitro fertilization. Well, after I finally let Broc adjust me, my periods started to become regular which was something I had never experienced before. Other than chiropractic, I knew that nothing else had changed in my life, so I became a full-on believer.
One day Broc invited me to shadow him at work so I could see what his days were like. That day I shadowed him, he took care of three patients that I will never forget, a pregnant mother, a baby, and an 11-year-old boy with disabilities that kept him in a wheelchair. I saw the joy Broc brought them and the connection he made with them. I saw the pregnant mother walk out with no pain or discomfort despite her changing body. I saw the colicky and constipated baby stop crying and poop and the look of relief on the mother’s face when that happened. I heard the wonderful laughter from the 11-year-old when Broc talked to him and the appreciation in his mother’s smile. Broc made such a profound difference in all their lives and I felt so grateful to have witnessed that.
Later that night Broc asked me what I thought about the day. I told him that if I could do it all over again, I would have gone to chiropractic school. With a serious face Broc said, “It’s not too late, you can still go to chiropractic school”. I laughed at him. I simply thought that it wasn’t possible, our life was in Indianapolis and he already had a huge patient base. Broc responded, “If you want to go to chiropractic school, I will follow you”.
And so here I am. One year into chiropractic school in Hayward, California. Oh, and also, Broc and I just welcomed our baby girl Sedona into the world on November 4th of 2020. Totally unplanned. It turns out that my OB was wrong, all I needed was an adjustment.