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Life West President, Dr. Ron Oberstein, sitting at his desk

Seeing the fields ripe for harvest with Dr. Selina Sigafoose-Jackson

The innate ability to connect with your practice’s members is one of the most important tools in a chiropractor’s toolbox. In this interview with Dr. Ron Oberstein, Dr. Selina Sigafoose-Jackson discus...

Life West President, Dr. Ron Oberstein, sitting at his desk

Rewiring our operating systems to heal and create with Dr. Joe Dispenza

Turning off your analytical mind to access your emotions can unleash your nervous system and prime your brain for a more healthy mind, body, and environment. In this interview with Dr. Ron Oberstein, ...

Life West President, Dr. Ron Oberstein, sitting at his desk

Miracles every day: Super-charging innate potential with Dr. Scott Rosa

Miracles through chiropractic are not unusual; in fact, they are commonplace. Watch this video where Dr. Ron Oberstein and Dr. Scott Rosa talk about the How and Why of these miracles, and the importan...

Life West President, Dr. Ron Oberstein, sitting at his desk

Getting smarter about your business with Dr. Ian Davis-Tremayne

In difficult times, chiropractors can best assist patients by going back to their chiropractic roots. In this interview with Dr. Ron Oberstein, Life West graduate and upper cervical specialist Dr. Ian...

Life West President, Dr. Ron Oberstein, sitting at his desk

The ‘why’ of chiropractic research with Dr. Rob Sinnott

DD Palmer asked the seminal question: Why, if two men are working in the same shop and eating the same food, does one get sick and the other doesn’t? We have yet to answer his question. In this interv...

Life West President, Dr. Ron Oberstein, sitting at his desk

Reconnect with patients using communication tips from Dr. Russ Rosen

Clear and simple communication with patients can inspire loyalty to your practice. Dr. Russ Rosen explains the science behind this, and how chiropractors can best empower their patients, in this inter...

Dr. Heidi Haavik says now is the time to push chiropractic research

Research is vital in supporting the development of chiropractic. Dr. Heidi Haavik, one of the most respected authorities on chiropractic research and neuroscience, talks with Dr. Ron Oberstein in this...

Life West President, Dr. Ron Oberstein, sitting at his desk

Building communities, relationships and your practice with Dr. Peter Kevorkian

The COVID-19 crisis has brought with it an atmosphere of uncertainty. Dr. Peter Kevorkian, a chiropractor with nearly 40 years of experience, talks with Dr. Ron Oberstein about how chiropractic profes...

Life West President, Dr. Ron Oberstein, sitting at his desk

‘The brain game’ with chiropractic neurologist Dr. Ted Carrick

Few can explain the unique relationship between neurology and chiropractic better than Dr. Ted Carrick. The Carrick Institute founder and associate of University of Cambridge discusses the requirement...