Lifelines Student Magazine

Life West Student Magazine

Our Biotensegrous Selves

“It’s time for you to stand up on your own two feet,” says the old adage, referring to gaining stability by relying on our body’s interaction with gravity, espe...

Honey, Heal Your Hormones

Expression: the process of making known one’s thoughts or feelings; a look on someone’s face that conveys a particular emotion. Expression is LIFE. ...

The Science Behind Expressing Yourself

Nature vs. nurture has often been discussed in the scientific realm. What makes us us? Is it our genetic makeup or is it how the environment influences us? It m...

Living in Glass Boxes

What exactly does it mean to be human? Is it because we have a soul? Is it because we are able to critically think and problem-solve? Or maybe it is because we ...

Expression Through Technique

Expression is at the core of Chiropractic. The variation in what we do stems directly from expression. Entire techniques are created from this variation, and I ...

Emotions and the Subluxation

One of my first experiences with chiropractic came at age 12 when I sought care for scoliosis that was diagnosed during a school physical. This happened amid a ...

The Network Spinal Wave as a Central Pattern Generator

Did you know that it is possible to be identified simply by how you walk? “You” can be spotted passing through the airport, or casually walking across the stree...

‘Subluxation’ in chiropractic research: The Great Semantic Debate

Most people within the chiropractic profession are aware of a divide that exists among us between those who are mechanists seeking to expand evidence-based prac...
