Tutoring FAQ

Tutoring Program FAQs

Who should get tutoring? Isn’t tutoring for students who are doing poorly in their classes?

Anyone can benefit from tutoring! Engaged, successful students who care about their learning often turn to tutoring to ease anxiety about difficult courses, deepen understanding and retention of course content, and help develop more effective study skills.

Does the tutoring program offer any services for English second language students?

Tutors are available for all students, but at this time there is no formal tutoring offerings designed to meet the specific needs of these students.

How much does tutoring cost?

The Tutoring Program provides free tutoring services to Life West students who need further assistance in the courses for which they are currently registered.

What kinds of tutoring is offered?

LCCW offers group tutoring and individual tutoring.

How will a tutor help me?

A tutor can help you gain new perspectives on your learning by asking questions, explaining concepts in different ways, sharing examples and resources, helping connect prior knowledge to current classes, suggesting study strategies, providing encouragement, and more. A tutoring session should be a dynamic event, not another passive learning situation. Participants will be asked to periodically provide feedback to let us know how the sessions are progressing to assure that all that is listed above is occurring in the sessions.

What don’t tutors do?

Tutors will not do the work for you, edit, correct, fix, or tell you what to write. They cannot provide feedback about grades, guarantee success in a class, or assist with take-home exams, unless the instructor provides explicit written approval.

Who are the tutors and what are their credentials?

The tutors are Life Chiropractic College West students who have successfully completed the courses they tutor and received a faculty recommendation. In addition to a strong academic record, our peer tutors also will increasingly participate in comprehensive tutor training, mentoring, and ongoing professional development activities as a condition of service.


I want to be a tutor, where do I go to sign up?

All Peer Tutors are full-time Life West students who have completed at least a semester of study at LCCW. Tutors are those students who show dedication to their academics and maintain a cumulative and semester GPA of 3.0 or higher. To tutor for a specific course the applicant should have taken the course at LCCW and received a “B” or above, and is also required to produce a Life West faculty letter of recommendation. All tutors are required to participate in ongoing tutor training during their time as a peer tutor.

To apply, applicants should pick up an application packet in the Student Life Office. If there is a need, the applicant will be contacted for an interview. Not all applicants or students referred by faculty will be hired.

What are the expectations of tutors?

  • Have a genuine interest in helping fellow students.
  • Understand LCCW’s general philosophy of helping tutees develop toward independence, and do their best to work toward this goal.
  • Know their schedule, be at the session when scheduled, be prompt, and be prepared to tutor the assigned course content.
  • Know and follow LCCW policies and procedures related to their work, and communicate to tutees any policies and procedures that relate to their work with them.
  • Take advantage of the formal and informal training opportunities suggested and available to become a better tutor.
  • Seek out and try new tutoring methods and strategies as they might be helpful.
  • Ask for help when they need it or want it.
  • Take responsibility and initiative for avoiding or resolving conflict if any of these expectations become hard to meet.


I need tutoring, how do I sign up?

LCCW provides peer tutoring each quarter. Large group tutoring is available to all students registered in the course and is announced to the class directly. To sign up for individual or small group tutoring, please email truggles@lifewest.edu.

Can I get tutoring for a class if I am not enrolled in the class?

No, you must be currently enrolled as student to obtaining tutoring in that subject matter.

What if I cannot come to campus? Can I just email my assignment or talk to the tutor over the phone? Can a friend bring in my assignment and talk to a tutor for me?

Tutoring requires active participation of the student. You must be present and engaged.

Can I meet my tutor off campus?

No, all tutoring appointments must take place on campus, in designated public areas that are conducive to your ability to learn.

Will the Academic Success Center ever cancel a tutoring session?

Yes, there are times when a session will be canceled by the ASC or a tutor scheduled for an individual session.

When group tutoring sessions will be canceled, students in the course will be notified via email.

People have emergencies, illnesses and other unexpected compelling commitments – both tutees and tutors. We will make every possible effort to find a substitute tutor when given adequate notice by the tutor that the group session will be missed. However, if no substitute can be found and the session is canceled, students who have registered will be notified.

It is up to the tutors scheduled for an individual tutoring session to notify the student and the ASC if an appointment commitment cannot be fulfilled.

Time permitting, ASC staff will attempt to locate a substitute tutor.

I am running late will the tutor wait for me?

You are expected to be on time. All sessions will begin as scheduled. If you are the only tutee for a session, the tutor will wait 15 minutes before declaring your appointment “Missed by Student.”

Why do I have to sign in when I attend a tutoring session?

Signing in helps track the usage of the tutoring program. We use this information to get funding, ensure adequate tutoring coverage, and inform operational decisions.

Can I work with the same tutor every time? Can I change tutors if one is not a good fit for me?

Group tutors have been assigned to the group tutoring sessions. We have a pool of tutors for individual tutoring sessions. If your tutor is not a good fit, please speak with the ASC staff to discuss other options. They are happy to work with you to find someone who better suits your learning style and needs.

How do I provide feedback about my tutor or the tutoring program?

Tutees can send feedback about the tutoring program or specific tutors by submitting an email to tutoring@lifewest.edu. The ASC will also be sending surveys to students who have registered for tutoring services at mid-term and at the conclusion of each quarter.

What should I do if I have a problem with tutoring?

If you have any questions or concerns about tutoring services send an email to the ASC staff at tutoring@lifewest.edu.

The ASC is located at room 107. Where is that?

Room 107 is towards the Health Center side of campus, across from the Café.