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WAVE 20: Dr. Selina Sigafoose Jackson on the 33 Principles

Dr. Selina Sigafoose Jackson at Wave 20

Speaker: Selina Sigafoose Jackson, DC, FICA

Track: Philosophy

Selina Sigafoose Jackson, Vice President of the International Chiropractors Association and a member of a well-known chiropractic family, will focus on chiropractic philosophy and the 33 Principles at this year’s WAVE 2020, Life Chiropractic College West’s annual chiropractic conference.

About Dr. Sigafoose: A 1989 graduate of Life Chiropractic College, Dr. Selina has served as Secretary-Treasurer for the ICA and is on both the ICA’s Executive Committee and Board of Directors. She grew up in a chiropractic family (her father is Dr. James M. Sigafoose, a founder of Life University and well-known speaker on chiropractic philosophy who died in 2014), all six of her siblings became chiropractors, and she married a chiropractor. Her two daughters also want to become chiropractors.

She is one of the 14 founders of the League of Chiropractic Women and serves as a co-treasurer. She also serves as a member of the Board of Visitors for Life University.

WAVE 20: Dr. Selina’s presentation at the WAVE, will be on the 33 Principles. “If we look at the 33 Principles and really dissect them and apply them into our day-to-day activities and relationships, they become an amazing rudder for our life,” she said. “There are no outside-in secrets to practice or live. It is 100% from the inside-out.”

Looking ahead to August: “My love for chiropractic and this philosophy of life we chiropractors live by is so deep and wide,” Dr. Selina said. “I have the joy to share it daily in practice but to be asked to be part of WAVE 20 is such a spectacular honor. To share a stage with such magnificent individuals and align with Life West and Dr. Ron Oberstein and his team is an honor, privilege and gift that I do not take lightly. I look so forward to celebrating chiropractic at WAVE 20 with some divinely incredible individuals.”

Register now! Hear from Dr. Selina and about 20 other leaders in the field of chiropractic at the WAVE 20, Aug. 21-23, 2020, in San Francisco’s Bay Area. This year, Life West is bringing the WAVE home to it’s Hayward, California campus! Learn more about what’s happening at the WAVE, how many CE credits participants can earn and more at wave.lifewest.edu.

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